人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开。4月2日—4日,中国出版科学研究所主办的“第二届中国民营书业发展高级论坛”在北京香山饭店成功举行,来自全国民营书业、国有出版单位及部分省市新闻出版管理部门的210名代表(其中民营书业代表160余人)参加了论坛。 新闻出版总署副署长柳斌杰以“抓机遇,上规模,谋发展”为题发表重要演讲,并就中国出版业的改革与发展做了专题讲座,新闻出版总署发行管
April Fang Fei in the world, peach blossoms in full bloom. From April 2 to April 4, the “2nd China Private Book Development Forum” hosted by China Institute of Publishing Science was successfully held in Beijing Fragrant Hill Hotel. It comes from the private book industry, state-owned publishing units and some provinces and cities in press and publication management The department’s 210 representatives (including more than 160 private book industry representatives) attended the forum. Liu Binjie, deputy director general of the State Administration of Press and Publication, made an important speech on the topic of “Seizing Opportunities, Enhancing the Scale and Seeking for Development” and gave a special lecture on the reform and development of the publishing industry in China. The Press and Publication Administration