巴陵有限责任公司化工厂位于长江开放城市湖南岳阳市境内,南衔洞庭,北倚长江,近临京广铁路,紧靠107国道,水路交通十分便利。该厂始建于1969年,与地面积58.2万平方米,拥有4.5万 t/a 环己酮等4套生产装置,生产环已酮、环已烷、环己醇、氧气、氮气等各种产品,注有“巴陵牌”商标。环己酮是一种用途广泛的有机化工原料,是生产己内酰胺的中间体,它作为一种良好的溶剂,被广泛应用于涂料、皮革、制鞋等行业,“巴陵牌”环己酮曾连续一次获得国家质量银质奖,行销国内,市场占有率达到
Baling Co., Ltd. chemical plant located in the open city of Yueyang City, Hunan Province, the territory of the south, Dongting, north of the Yangtze River, near Jing-Guang Railroad, close to 107 National Road, water traffic is very convenient. The plant was built in 1969, with a land area of 582,000 square meters, with 45,000 t / a cyclohexanone and other 4 sets of production facilities, cyclohexanone, cyclohexane, cyclohexanol, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. Products, note with “Baling brand ” trademark. Cyclohexanone is a widely used organic chemical raw material, caprolactam intermediates, as a good solvent, is widely used in coatings, leather, footwear and other industries, Ketone has once won the national quality silver medal, marketing domestic, market share reached