【摘 要】
A school bus accidentin Hengyang County, Hunan Province, on December 27 last year, killed 14 primary school students. Followingthe accident, six officials from thelocal education bureau were dismissed
A school bus accidentin Hengyang County, Hunan Province, on December 27 last year, killed 14 primary school students. Followingthe accident, six officials from thelocal education bureau were dismissed, includingits director.
A new mode of agriculture helps people get involved in organic farming
More regulations and transparent governmentdata may be needed to check public moneysquandering during government purchases
Three years ago, the thought of mov-ingto and workingin China was just about as foreign asthe country itself.
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To thoroughly solve the problem of inadequate domestic demand,China needs a series of reforms
China plans to overhaul its education system to ensure fair distribution and improved quality
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It's been 20 years since the first transaction on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on December 19, 1990, During the past two decades, China's securities market has accomplished what developed countries hav