栏目寄语2006年7月1日,全长1 956 km的青藏铁路通车运营。青藏铁路是世界上海拔最高、线路最长的高原铁路。广大铁路建设者勇克难关,破解了多年冻土、高寒缺氧、生态脆弱三大世界性难题,用智慧和汗水在雪域高原筑起中国铁路建设的丰碑。但是,中国铁路人的脚步却从未停歇。2006年12月,青藏铁路西格段复线工程建设全部竣工并投入运营;2007年9月,青藏
Column Message July 1, 2006, a total length of 1 956 km of the opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. Qinghai-Tibet Railway is the highest altitude railway in the world with the longest line in the world. The vast majority of railroad builders have overcome difficulties in the past, breaking the three world-wide problems of permafrost, alpine anoxia, and ecological fragility. They built the monument of China’s railway construction with wisdom and sweat in the snow-covered plateau. However, the footsteps of Chinese railway people never stopped. In December 2006, the construction of the double-track project of the West Lattice of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was completed and put into operation. In September 2007,