
来源 :上海农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhl23
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蚕豆在本市有悠久的栽培历史,但对其栽培技术缺少研究,长期以来产量亦不高。本院自1979年以来主持了“上海市蚕豆高产栽培协作试验”课题,经十四个单位共同努力,取得单位面积产量为3394公斤/公顷的结果,比传统蚕豆栽培方法增产20%—60%。我们通过综合试验、单项试验以及对比试验。总结出一整套蚕豆高产栽培技术,主要是:在本市条件下,于十月中、下旬适时播种;宽行距窄株距条点播合理密植;冬前与早春壅根培土以防冻保苗、控制无效分枝;采取株型调整措施减缓群体与个体、营养生长与生殖生长的矛盾;顺应蚕豆对营养元素的需求、注重施肥技术;对病虫害进行综合防治,注意开沟排水防止湿害等。目前运用上述综合或单项栽培技术的蚕豆种植面积已占本市蚕豆收获面积的10%以上。虽各地栽培条件不同、具体措施各异,但是本研究结果对本市与外地蚕豆的生产与科研仍有一定帮助。 Broad beans in the city has a long history of cultivation, but its lack of research on cultivation techniques, long-term production is not high. Since 1979, the institute presided over the topic of “Cooperative Experiment on High-yielding Cultivation of Broad Bean in Shanghai”. With the cooperation of 14 units, the yield of 3394 kg / ha was obtained. Compared with the traditional cultivation of broad bean, the yield of the plant was increased by 20% -60% . We passed the comprehensive test, single test and comparative test. Summed up a set of high yielding broad bean cultivation techniques, mainly in: under the conditions of the city, in mid-October, late sowing timely; broad-spaced narrow plant spacing on demand and close planting; pre-winter and early spring rooted soil antifreeze seedling control invalid Take plant type adjustment measures to alleviate the contradiction between groups and individuals, vegetative and reproductive growth; comply with the needs of broad bean nutrition elements, focusing on fertilization techniques; comprehensive prevention and control of pests and diseases, pay attention to ditch drainage to prevent moisture damage. At present, the area planted with broad beans using the above comprehensive or individual cultivation techniques has accounted for over 10% of the harvested area of ​​broad beans in this Municipality. Although the cultivation conditions vary from place to place, the specific measures vary, but the results of this study will still be of some help to the production and research of broad bean in the city and other places.
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