2007年1月,国际葡萄酒及烈酒研究所(IWSR)的主席Robert Beynat先生来到中国,带给中国朋友“一吨多”的数字。
2001到2005年间,全球葡萄酒的消费量以4.15%的速度增长, 达到227.881亿升,相当于303.84亿瓶。2005到2010年间,应继续增长4.8%,达238.825亿升,或318.43亿瓶。
Ⅰ.World wine consumption increases by more than 266 million bottles every year
Between 2001 and 2005, world consumption of grape wine grew by 4.15% to reach 227.881 million hectolitres, the equivalent of 30.384 billion bottles. Between 2005 and 2010, it should grow by another 4.8% to reach 238.825 million hectolitres, or 31.843 billion bottles.
In the 10-year period from 2001 to 2010, world wine consumption should increase by 20.02 million hectolitres or 2.669 billion bottles. Average growth in consumption for the period works out at 266.9 million bottles per year.
2005年, 全球的葡萄酒零售额达到了1069.85亿美元, 比2001年增长9.8%。2005到2010年,销售额将继续增长9.4%,达1170.38亿美元。
Ⅱ.And consumer spending by more than $1.9 billion each year.
Total retail wine sales worldwide reached $106.985 billion dollars in 2005, up 9.8% compared to 2001. Sales should grow a further 9.4% between 2005 and 2010 to
$117.038 billion.Over the 10-year period from 2001 to 2010, retail wine sales will increase by $19.598 billion, an average yearly growth of $1.959 billion.
To put wine sales in context, this global sales figure is similar to that of the world cosmetics industry or three times that of worldwide recorded music sales (people don’t buy records any more)
2001到2005年,美国葡萄酒的消费增长率是19.59% ,2005到2010年,将继续增长18.69%,到这一时期末将超过意大利和法国这两个世界最大的生产国。2005年,美国是第四大生产国和第六大出口国。
2005年,美国是全球最大的葡萄酒市场,零售额为191.70亿美元。预计2005到2010年将增长18.7%,达 227.50亿美元。
Ⅲ.USA will be the leading wine drinking nation worldwide in 2010
Total consumption of still light wine in the USA is forecast to reach 27.3 million hectolitres in 2010 (i.e. 12.3% of world consumption) when the USA will take over the position of leading wine drinking nation in the world ahead of Italy with 27.204 million hectolitres and France with 24.889 million hectolitres.
The wine consumption in USA grew by 19.59% between 2001 and 2005. It should continue to increase by a further 18.69% from 2005 to 2010, positioning USA ahead of France and just before Italy, the first and second largest world producers at the end of that period.
In 2005, the USA is the 4th largest producer and 6th biggest exporter.
The USA was the world’s biggest wine market in 2005 with total retail sales of $19.17 billion dollars. Between 2005 and 2010 sales are forecast to grow by 18.7% to reach 22.75 billion dollars.
2001到2005年,与中国的葡萄酒生产发展同步,中国的葡萄酒消费量增长了 22.5% ,预计2005到2010年将继续增长35.91%。
Ⅳ. China and the Russian Federation join the top ten world wine markets.
At the same time that China is developing wine production, consumption of wine grew by 22.5% between 2001 and 2005 and will see further growth of 35.91% between 2005 and 2010.
In 2005, China become the tenth largest consumer of still wine in the world and is poised to move up to ninth position in 2010.
The Russian Federation where wine consumption grew by 37.28% between 2001 and 2005, should become the 8th largest market by 2010.
V. 所有种类的葡萄酒销售量都在增加,
2005到2010年间,定价在5——10美元/瓶的葡萄酒的零售额将增长9.12%,而同期10美元以上/瓶的葡萄酒的零售额 将增长17.2%。
Ⅴ.All wines sales grow, but sales of higher priced wines are growing faster
Retail sales of wines priced between $5 and $10 per bottle should grow by 9.12% between 2005 and 2010, while that of wines sold for more than $10 a bottle will increase by 17.2% over the same period.
Meanwhile, consumption of wines sold for less than $5 a bottle should only grow by 2.44% by 2010. Nonetheless, wines in this price range accounted for more than three quarters (77%) of sales of still wines in 2005.
VINEXPO / IWSR首次在研究中依照葡萄酒的不同颜色来分析无泡葡萄酒的消费量。
2005年红葡萄酒的消费量占 全球总消费量的50.19%, 比2001年上升7.48%。2005到2010年间,应继续增长7.11% ,达113.923亿升或151.89瓶。
相比而言,2005年占全球40.6%消费量的白葡萄酒在2005到2010年间将仅增长0.54% 。
Ⅵ.Red wine accounts for more than half of world consumption of still wine
For the first time, the VINEXPO / The IWSR study has analysed world still wine consumption by colour.
Red wine consumption represented 50.19% of the world total in 2005, up 7.48% compared to 2001. Growth should continue by a further 7.11% between 2005 and 2010 to reach 113.923 million hectolitres or 15.189 billion bottles.
Rosé wines are also enjoying growing popularity, with world consumption, having increased by 3.84% between 2001 and 2005, set to grow a further 6.68% between 2005 and 2010.
White wine by contrast, accounted for 40.6% of world consumption in 2005 and should see growth limited to 0.54% between 2005 and 2010.
成年人年均消费40升葡萄酒,相当于平均每周喝一瓶 75厘升的酒。
Ⅶ.Wine Consumption per head continues to grow in most world markets
Only six countries among the top 20 top wine markets in the world ranked by consumption per head (of wine drinking age), will see a decline between 2005 and 2010. They are France, Switzerland, Portugal, Argentina, Austria and Spain. Among these six, 5 are producing countries and current consumption per head is 40 litres a year per person.
Consumption in the rest of the markets analysed by VINEXPO/IWSR will see continued increases in wine drinking.
An average annual consumption of 40 litres a year per adult is equivalent to an average of one 75 cl bottle per week.
Ⅷ.The production surplus should decrease worldwide by 2010
Apart from the weather patterns, which influence grape wine production across the world from one vintage to the next, VINEXPO/IWSR note a reduction in the surplus of wine produced compared to world consumption.
Between 2006 and 2010, this surplus should decrease from 32.599 million hectolitres to 23.361 million hectolitres or 8.7% of world production at the end of the period.
Ⅸ.International trade continues to grow fast
Imports of still wines reached 51.304 million hectolitres in 2005 (24.2% of world consumption), up 20.9% compared to 2001.
By 2010, imports of still wine should reach 58.82 million hectolitres, which represents further growth of 14.65% compared to 2005.
Over the 10-years from 2001 to 2010, total wine imports will grow by 38.6%, which is 4 times faster than the overall consumption of wine in the same period.
到2010年,葡萄酒的产量应该达到4.2亿升, 比2005年增长9.09%。
Ⅰ.China is the leading Asian producer of grape-based wine.
China produced 3.85 million hectolitres of grape-based wine in 2005.
The production of wine follows the changes in drinking habits in China.
The producers, the top 6 of whom control more than half of the total quantity produced, are gradually giving up fruit wines and blended products based on grape and other fruit in order to adapt to these changes in consumer preference.
By 2010, the production of grape-based wine should reach 4.2 million hectolitres, an increase of9.09% compared to 2005.
2004到2005年间,中国的葡萄酒消费量 增长了13.06% ,达 4.232亿升(5.6426亿瓶),成为全球 十大低度无泡葡萄酒的消费国。
跟据VINEXPO /IWSR 2007年研究报告,2005到2010年,葡萄酒的消费量应继续增长35.44%。
2001到2010年10年间,消费量 将增长65.52%,比 全球总 增长速度快6.5倍。
Ⅱ.China became a member of the top ten consumer nations in the world in 2005!
Wine consumption rose by 13.06% between 2004 and 2005 in China to reach 4.232 million hectolitres (564.26 million bottles) positioning China as the 10th largest consumer nation of still light wines in the world.
According to the VINEXPO / The IWSR 2007 study, wine consumption should grow a further 35.44% between 2005 and 2010.
Over the 10-year period from 2001 to 2010, growth in consumption will be 65.52%, which is six and a half times faster than overall world growth.
2001到2010年,中国低度无泡葡萄酒的零售额将增长95.17%, 从8.48亿美金增长至16.55亿美金。
Ⅲ.Wine sales are expected to double in value over 10 years.
From 2001 to 2010, retail sales of still light wines in China will increase by 95.17% from US$848 million to US$1.655 billion.
在2005年的总销售额中,尽管定价低于5美金/瓶的葡萄酒的销售额占到 92.68%,但此价位的销售额在2001到2005年间仅 增长了19.18%。而同一时期,定价在5美元以上/瓶的葡萄酒的销售额却 增长了86.25% 。定价在10美元以上/瓶的葡萄酒的销售额甚至增长了110.53%。
2005到2010年,VINEXPO / IWSR 预计定价在5-10美元/瓶的葡萄酒的销售额将增长154.59%,同时定价高于10美金/瓶的葡萄酒的销售额将增长157.5%。
Ⅳ.The high end of the market is growing very fast…
Although sales of wines priced at less than US$5 per bottle accounted for 92.68% of total turnover in 2005, this category had only grown by 19.18% between 2001 and 2005. Over the same period, however, sales of wines priced at more than US$5 per bottle grew by 86.25%.
Sales of wines priced at more than US$10 per bottle even grew by 110.53% in the same period.
From 2005 to 2010, VINEXPO / The IWSR envisage an increase in sales of wines priced between US$5 and US$10 per bottle of 154.59%, while sales of wines priced over US$10 per bottle are expected to grow by 157.5%!
到2010年,预计进口葡萄酒总量将继续增长53.58%,达 36,400,000升。
Ⅴ. as is the consumption of imported wines
Imported wines accounted for only 5.6% of the total volumes drunk in 2005 (i.e. 237,000 hectolitres), but this figure was already the result of 62.32% growth compared to 2001.
By 2010, volumes of imported wines are expected to grow by a further 53.58% to reach 364,000 hectolitres.
据VINEXPO / IWSR 估计,2005年中国低度无泡葡萄酒总消费量 的80%为红葡萄酒。
然而从2001到2005年,占总消费量19%的白葡萄酒却 增长了36.91% ,并将在2005到2010年间继续增长64.57%。
Ⅵ.and that of white and rosé wines.
VINEXPO / The IWSR estimate the consumption of red wine to represent 80% of all still light wines drunk in China in 2005.
However the consumption of white wine, that represents 19% of the total, grew by 36.91% from 2001 to 2005 and should increase by a further 64.57% between 2005 and 2010.
Volumes of rosé wines, consumption of which represented 1% of the total in 2005, should increase by 36.59% over the same period.
Ⅶ .法国是中国首要的进口葡萄酒供应国
2001到2005年,法国销往中国的葡萄酒 增长了55.73% , 占总进口金额的40%。
所有供应中国市场的国家都在增加发货 量。尤其是澳大利亚和智利产的葡萄酒同期分别增长了68.96%和60%。
Ⅶ. France is the leading supplier of imported wines to China.
Between 2001 and 2005, French wine sales to China rose by 55.73% to reach 40% of all imported wines.
All countries supplying the Chinese market are increasing the volumes they send there. In the period from 2001 to 2005, Australian and Chilean wines in particular saw growth in their supplies of 68.96% and 60% respectively.
2007年1月,国际葡萄酒及烈酒研究所(IWSR)的主席Robert Beynat先生来到中国,带给中国朋友“一吨多”的数字。
2001到2005年间,全球葡萄酒的消费量以4.15%的速度增长, 达到227.881亿升,相当于303.84亿瓶。2005到2010年间,应继续增长4.8%,达238.825亿升,或318.43亿瓶。
Ⅰ.World wine consumption increases by more than 266 million bottles every year
Between 2001 and 2005, world consumption of grape wine grew by 4.15% to reach 227.881 million hectolitres, the equivalent of 30.384 billion bottles. Between 2005 and 2010, it should grow by another 4.8% to reach 238.825 million hectolitres, or 31.843 billion bottles.
In the 10-year period from 2001 to 2010, world wine consumption should increase by 20.02 million hectolitres or 2.669 billion bottles. Average growth in consumption for the period works out at 266.9 million bottles per year.
2005年, 全球的葡萄酒零售额达到了1069.85亿美元, 比2001年增长9.8%。2005到2010年,销售额将继续增长9.4%,达1170.38亿美元。
Ⅱ.And consumer spending by more than $1.9 billion each year.
Total retail wine sales worldwide reached $106.985 billion dollars in 2005, up 9.8% compared to 2001. Sales should grow a further 9.4% between 2005 and 2010 to
$117.038 billion.Over the 10-year period from 2001 to 2010, retail wine sales will increase by $19.598 billion, an average yearly growth of $1.959 billion.
To put wine sales in context, this global sales figure is similar to that of the world cosmetics industry or three times that of worldwide recorded music sales (people don’t buy records any more)
2001到2005年,美国葡萄酒的消费增长率是19.59% ,2005到2010年,将继续增长18.69%,到这一时期末将超过意大利和法国这两个世界最大的生产国。2005年,美国是第四大生产国和第六大出口国。
2005年,美国是全球最大的葡萄酒市场,零售额为191.70亿美元。预计2005到2010年将增长18.7%,达 227.50亿美元。
Ⅲ.USA will be the leading wine drinking nation worldwide in 2010
Total consumption of still light wine in the USA is forecast to reach 27.3 million hectolitres in 2010 (i.e. 12.3% of world consumption) when the USA will take over the position of leading wine drinking nation in the world ahead of Italy with 27.204 million hectolitres and France with 24.889 million hectolitres.
The wine consumption in USA grew by 19.59% between 2001 and 2005. It should continue to increase by a further 18.69% from 2005 to 2010, positioning USA ahead of France and just before Italy, the first and second largest world producers at the end of that period.
In 2005, the USA is the 4th largest producer and 6th biggest exporter.
The USA was the world’s biggest wine market in 2005 with total retail sales of $19.17 billion dollars. Between 2005 and 2010 sales are forecast to grow by 18.7% to reach 22.75 billion dollars.
2001到2005年,与中国的葡萄酒生产发展同步,中国的葡萄酒消费量增长了 22.5% ,预计2005到2010年将继续增长35.91%。
Ⅳ. China and the Russian Federation join the top ten world wine markets.
At the same time that China is developing wine production, consumption of wine grew by 22.5% between 2001 and 2005 and will see further growth of 35.91% between 2005 and 2010.
In 2005, China become the tenth largest consumer of still wine in the world and is poised to move up to ninth position in 2010.
The Russian Federation where wine consumption grew by 37.28% between 2001 and 2005, should become the 8th largest market by 2010.
V. 所有种类的葡萄酒销售量都在增加,
2005到2010年间,定价在5——10美元/瓶的葡萄酒的零售额将增长9.12%,而同期10美元以上/瓶的葡萄酒的零售额 将增长17.2%。
Ⅴ.All wines sales grow, but sales of higher priced wines are growing faster
Retail sales of wines priced between $5 and $10 per bottle should grow by 9.12% between 2005 and 2010, while that of wines sold for more than $10 a bottle will increase by 17.2% over the same period.
Meanwhile, consumption of wines sold for less than $5 a bottle should only grow by 2.44% by 2010. Nonetheless, wines in this price range accounted for more than three quarters (77%) of sales of still wines in 2005.
VINEXPO / IWSR首次在研究中依照葡萄酒的不同颜色来分析无泡葡萄酒的消费量。
2005年红葡萄酒的消费量占 全球总消费量的50.19%, 比2001年上升7.48%。2005到2010年间,应继续增长7.11% ,达113.923亿升或151.89瓶。
相比而言,2005年占全球40.6%消费量的白葡萄酒在2005到2010年间将仅增长0.54% 。
Ⅵ.Red wine accounts for more than half of world consumption of still wine
For the first time, the VINEXPO / The IWSR study has analysed world still wine consumption by colour.
Red wine consumption represented 50.19% of the world total in 2005, up 7.48% compared to 2001. Growth should continue by a further 7.11% between 2005 and 2010 to reach 113.923 million hectolitres or 15.189 billion bottles.
Rosé wines are also enjoying growing popularity, with world consumption, having increased by 3.84% between 2001 and 2005, set to grow a further 6.68% between 2005 and 2010.
White wine by contrast, accounted for 40.6% of world consumption in 2005 and should see growth limited to 0.54% between 2005 and 2010.
成年人年均消费40升葡萄酒,相当于平均每周喝一瓶 75厘升的酒。
Ⅶ.Wine Consumption per head continues to grow in most world markets
Only six countries among the top 20 top wine markets in the world ranked by consumption per head (of wine drinking age), will see a decline between 2005 and 2010. They are France, Switzerland, Portugal, Argentina, Austria and Spain. Among these six, 5 are producing countries and current consumption per head is 40 litres a year per person.
Consumption in the rest of the markets analysed by VINEXPO/IWSR will see continued increases in wine drinking.
An average annual consumption of 40 litres a year per adult is equivalent to an average of one 75 cl bottle per week.
Ⅷ.The production surplus should decrease worldwide by 2010
Apart from the weather patterns, which influence grape wine production across the world from one vintage to the next, VINEXPO/IWSR note a reduction in the surplus of wine produced compared to world consumption.
Between 2006 and 2010, this surplus should decrease from 32.599 million hectolitres to 23.361 million hectolitres or 8.7% of world production at the end of the period.
Ⅸ.International trade continues to grow fast
Imports of still wines reached 51.304 million hectolitres in 2005 (24.2% of world consumption), up 20.9% compared to 2001.
By 2010, imports of still wine should reach 58.82 million hectolitres, which represents further growth of 14.65% compared to 2005.
Over the 10-years from 2001 to 2010, total wine imports will grow by 38.6%, which is 4 times faster than the overall consumption of wine in the same period.
到2010年,葡萄酒的产量应该达到4.2亿升, 比2005年增长9.09%。
Ⅰ.China is the leading Asian producer of grape-based wine.
China produced 3.85 million hectolitres of grape-based wine in 2005.
The production of wine follows the changes in drinking habits in China.
The producers, the top 6 of whom control more than half of the total quantity produced, are gradually giving up fruit wines and blended products based on grape and other fruit in order to adapt to these changes in consumer preference.
By 2010, the production of grape-based wine should reach 4.2 million hectolitres, an increase of9.09% compared to 2005.
2004到2005年间,中国的葡萄酒消费量 增长了13.06% ,达 4.232亿升(5.6426亿瓶),成为全球 十大低度无泡葡萄酒的消费国。
跟据VINEXPO /IWSR 2007年研究报告,2005到2010年,葡萄酒的消费量应继续增长35.44%。
2001到2010年10年间,消费量 将增长65.52%,比 全球总 增长速度快6.5倍。
Ⅱ.China became a member of the top ten consumer nations in the world in 2005!
Wine consumption rose by 13.06% between 2004 and 2005 in China to reach 4.232 million hectolitres (564.26 million bottles) positioning China as the 10th largest consumer nation of still light wines in the world.
According to the VINEXPO / The IWSR 2007 study, wine consumption should grow a further 35.44% between 2005 and 2010.
Over the 10-year period from 2001 to 2010, growth in consumption will be 65.52%, which is six and a half times faster than overall world growth.
2001到2010年,中国低度无泡葡萄酒的零售额将增长95.17%, 从8.48亿美金增长至16.55亿美金。
Ⅲ.Wine sales are expected to double in value over 10 years.
From 2001 to 2010, retail sales of still light wines in China will increase by 95.17% from US$848 million to US$1.655 billion.
在2005年的总销售额中,尽管定价低于5美金/瓶的葡萄酒的销售额占到 92.68%,但此价位的销售额在2001到2005年间仅 增长了19.18%。而同一时期,定价在5美元以上/瓶的葡萄酒的销售额却 增长了86.25% 。定价在10美元以上/瓶的葡萄酒的销售额甚至增长了110.53%。
2005到2010年,VINEXPO / IWSR 预计定价在5-10美元/瓶的葡萄酒的销售额将增长154.59%,同时定价高于10美金/瓶的葡萄酒的销售额将增长157.5%。
Ⅳ.The high end of the market is growing very fast…
Although sales of wines priced at less than US$5 per bottle accounted for 92.68% of total turnover in 2005, this category had only grown by 19.18% between 2001 and 2005. Over the same period, however, sales of wines priced at more than US$5 per bottle grew by 86.25%.
Sales of wines priced at more than US$10 per bottle even grew by 110.53% in the same period.
From 2005 to 2010, VINEXPO / The IWSR envisage an increase in sales of wines priced between US$5 and US$10 per bottle of 154.59%, while sales of wines priced over US$10 per bottle are expected to grow by 157.5%!
到2010年,预计进口葡萄酒总量将继续增长53.58%,达 36,400,000升。
Ⅴ. as is the consumption of imported wines
Imported wines accounted for only 5.6% of the total volumes drunk in 2005 (i.e. 237,000 hectolitres), but this figure was already the result of 62.32% growth compared to 2001.
By 2010, volumes of imported wines are expected to grow by a further 53.58% to reach 364,000 hectolitres.
据VINEXPO / IWSR 估计,2005年中国低度无泡葡萄酒总消费量 的80%为红葡萄酒。
然而从2001到2005年,占总消费量19%的白葡萄酒却 增长了36.91% ,并将在2005到2010年间继续增长64.57%。
Ⅵ.and that of white and rosé wines.
VINEXPO / The IWSR estimate the consumption of red wine to represent 80% of all still light wines drunk in China in 2005.
However the consumption of white wine, that represents 19% of the total, grew by 36.91% from 2001 to 2005 and should increase by a further 64.57% between 2005 and 2010.
Volumes of rosé wines, consumption of which represented 1% of the total in 2005, should increase by 36.59% over the same period.
Ⅶ .法国是中国首要的进口葡萄酒供应国
2001到2005年,法国销往中国的葡萄酒 增长了55.73% , 占总进口金额的40%。
所有供应中国市场的国家都在增加发货 量。尤其是澳大利亚和智利产的葡萄酒同期分别增长了68.96%和60%。
Ⅶ. France is the leading supplier of imported wines to China.
Between 2001 and 2005, French wine sales to China rose by 55.73% to reach 40% of all imported wines.
All countries supplying the Chinese market are increasing the volumes they send there. In the period from 2001 to 2005, Australian and Chilean wines in particular saw growth in their supplies of 68.96% and 60% respectively.