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为研究孔隙率对加气混凝土中湿分迁移特性的影响,采用恒温恒湿箱控制环境相对湿度和温度的方法对具有三种不同孔隙率的加气混凝土试样的动态吸湿和放湿过程进行了测试。研究结果表明,在等温吸湿过程中,加气混凝土试样的孔隙率越大,其含水率增长速率越大且平衡含水率也越高;而在等温放湿过程中,孔隙率越大的试样含水率下降速率越快且平衡含水率也越小,达到放湿平衡所需的时间则随相对湿度的提高而增长。比较不同环境温度下的吸放湿过程可知,较低的环境温度使得试样达到平衡状态所需的时间显著增加。此外,根据等温吸湿数据给出了加气混凝土吸湿平衡含水率随相对湿度变化的分段函数拟合公式。 In order to study the influence of porosity on the moisture transfer characteristics of aerated concrete, the dynamic moisture absorption and desorption processes of aerated concrete samples with three different porosities were controlled by the method of controlling the relative humidity and temperature of the environment by a constant temperature and humidity chamber The test. The results show that in the process of isothermal hygroscopic adsorption, the larger the porosity of aerated concrete samples is, the higher the moisture content growth rate is and the higher the equilibrium moisture content is. In the process of isothermal desorption, the larger porosity The faster the rate of moisture reduction and the lower the equilibrium moisture content, the longer the time required to reach the equilibrium for moisture release increases with relative humidity. Comparing the process of absorbing and releasing moisture under different ambient temperatures, it is known that the lower ambient temperature significantly increases the time required for the sample to reach equilibrium. In addition, according to the isothermal hygroscopic data, the fitting function of the subsection function of moisture absorption equilibrium moisture content of aerated concrete with relative humidity is given.
<正> 党创建初期的安源工人教 育,是在毛泽东同志的关怀和 指导下,在刘少奇同志和李立 三同志直接领导下我党的一次 伟大的教育实践活动。毛泽东 同志当时是中共湘区委员会书
微生物在自然生长和发酵生产过程中经常会面临胁迫环境,抑制菌体生长并且降低发酵产物的产量。通过调节转录因子的表达来抵御环境胁迫已经成为一种有效的策略。本论文以一株光滑球拟酵母Candida glabrata ATCC 55为研究对象,以解析光滑球拟酵母抵御盐胁迫和酸胁迫的生理机制为研究目的,利用分子生物学和生物化学等分析方法,就转录因子CgRds2应答盐胁迫和酸胁迫的生理机制展开研究,主要结果如下: