对每一个从事记者工作的人来说,都会有许多难忘的经历留在他的记忆里。十几年前,我作为《北京日报》的记者,采访过邓小平同志植树,是我终生难忘的。2月20日凌晨,噩耗传来,敬爱的小平同志永远地离开了我们。我在沉痛的哀乐声中呆呆地坐着、坐着,第一次采访邓小平同志的情景,一下涌现在眼前,格外清晰…… 那是1985年的初春,小平同志作为全民义务植树的倡导者,已经连续5年以一个北京公民的身份参加首都的绿化植树活动,而《北京日报》的报道,一直采用新华社的通稿。能
For everybody who works for a journalist, there are many unforgettable experiences in his memory. A dozen years ago, I, as a reporter of the Beijing Daily, interviewed Comrade Deng Xiaoping for planting trees and it was my unforgettable life. In the early hours of February 20, bad news came, and beloved Comrade Xiaoping left us forever. I sat in a deep, sad funeral, sitting, the first interview with Comrade Deng Xiaoping scene, what appeared in front of us, is particularly clear ... ... That is the early spring of 1985, Comrade Xiaoping volunteer as an advocate of universal volunteers , Has been participating in the capital’s afforestation activity as a Beijing citizen for five consecutive years. However, the Beijing Daily reported that it has always adopted Xinhua News Agency’s pass. can