汉语历史比较语言学中一个重要课题是古汉语复辅音的构拟。汉语中有一些令人费解的谐声字与咝擦音和舌根音有关。在传统音韵学中,这类谐声字通常当作例外来处理,因为它们与谐声规则不符。高本汉很早就注意到这个问题,但没有作深一步研究,而仅仅为之构拟了两个舌根音和咝擦音连缀的复辅音, *k’s和*g’s,未加讨论。(1940,GSR613a,b)董同龢构拟了一组前舌根音来解释这一现象(1948,15-17)。沙里斯(Surrays)运用历史比较语言学
An Important Task in Comparative Linguistics of Chinese History is the formulation of complex Chinese consonants in ancient Chinese. There are some puzzling and harmonizing words in Chinese that are related to rubbing and tongue root sounds. In traditional phonology, such harmonic words are often treated as exceptions because they do not conform to harmonic rules. Gaobuhan noticed this problem long ago, but he did not go into further study. Instead, he only formulated two complex consonants of the base and soprano patches, * k’s and * g’s, which are not discussed. (1940, GSR613a, b) Tung Tung and co-authored a group of anterior tongue tones explaining this phenomenon (1948, 15-17). Surrays uses historical comparative linguistics