文章介绍了FED驱动系统字符点阵显示原理,针对纳米金刚石FED特点,设计了扫描显示程序,运用汇编语言编写了软件程序,在Keil μVision3环境下进行编译和调试,通过XLISP下载软件下载到驱动电路的单片机中对单片机进行控制口的控制,最后在LED屏上显示了一些汉字效果,验证了所编软件的扫描程序,进而验证了所设计的纳米金刚石FED逻辑控制电路的正确性,为金刚石FED驱动电路的商品化奠定了一定的基础。
In this paper, the character lattice display principle of FED drive system is introduced. According to the characteristics of nano-diamond FED, a scanning display program is designed. The software program is compiled in assembly language, compiled and debugged in Keil μVision3 environment, downloaded to the driver circuit through XLISP download software Of the single-chip microcomputer control port control, the final LED screen shows some Chinese effect, verify the compiled software scanning program, and then verify the design of the nano-diamond FED logic control circuit is correct for the diamond FED Commercialization of the drive circuit laid a solid foundation.