
来源 :湖南社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mileyChina
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邓贤是史传报告文学创作的重要代表作家。他之所以成绩卓著、独树一帜,主要是其严肃的创作态度与独特的题材选择。具体来说,一是忧患意识与社会责任感,二是史识史见与独立精神。其次,在典型描写、史诗风范、理性精神与叙事视角等方面,邓贤创作也表现出鲜明特色和杰出成就。而《黄河殇》与《大转折》等新近力作,就集中表现了作者的追求、创新与超越。 Deng Xian is an important representative writer of historical biography reportage. His outstanding achievements, unique, mainly its serious creative attitude and unique subject matter choice. Specifically, one is the sense of urgency and sense of social responsibility, and the other is the history and independence of spirit. Secondly, in terms of typical description, epic style, rational spirit and narrative perspective, Deng Xian’s creations also show distinctive features and outstanding achievements. The “Yellow River” and “great turn” and other recent masterpiece, focused on the author’s pursuit, innovation and beyond.
“第二届开放源码硬件和嵌入式系统设计大赛取得了巨大成功。”赛灵思全球大学计划高级总监Patrick Lysaght说道,“此次大赛有三个明显趋势值得称道。首先今年台湾团队首次参
1 回眸2003年,湖南省粮食系统在改革中探索,在探索中前进,各项工作取得了新的成绩.特别是国有粮食企业改革取得了实质性进展.
微软宣布正式成立亚洲第一个windows Embedded研发中心.证明微软在全球各地扩展区域研发中心的积极承诺。这座”微软嵌入式系统开发中心(Microsoft Embedded Systems Developme