1954年,日本导演木下惠介拍摄了反映濑户内海香川小豆岛十二位学生在二战前后的遭遇的电影《廿四只眼睛》。201 3年,为了纪念木下惠介诞辰100周年,日本导演田村直己重拍《廿四只眼晴》。作为观众的我,早就为本下惠介的《廿四只眼晴》动容:没有想到,现在又为田村直己的重拍感怀不已。年轻的女老师大石久子,1 928年到小岛一所小学分校教一年级,全班只有十二位学生。大石久子曾说:“只要被那十二个孩子二十四只眼晴注视着,不管有多不开心的事都会烟消云散。小孩子都拥有着不可思议
In 1954, Japanese director Kishio Kinoshita filmed a movie ”Twenty-four Eyes“ that reflected the experiences of 12 students in Setonoeigh, Kagawa island, before and after World War II. 201 3 years, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Kinoshita Keisuke birthday, Japanese filmmaker Tamura remake ”24 eyes.“ As an audience, I have long been the beneficiary of ”24 eyes“ movement: I did not expect, and now Tamura Tanaka remake of feeling endless. The young female teacher Ishiguro, in 1928 to a small island primary school taught the first grade, the class only twelve students. Uehara Kiko said: ”As long as the twelve children twenty-four eyes watching, no matter how unhappy things will disappear .All children have unbelievable