目的:探讨孕妇孕中期进行唐氏筛查的临床应用价值。方法使用全自动时间荧光免疫分辨仪对3236例孕中期(14~20+6周)妇女进行血清标记物血清甲胎蛋白(AFP)、游离雌三醇(uE3)和绒毛膜促性腺激素Free-β-亚基(Free-β-HCG)三项指标进行检测,使用软件计算风险值,对高风险和单项值异常的孕妇进行B超和羊水染色体检查。结果:其中唐氏筛查高风险和单项值异常的孕妇共980例,通过B超和羊水检查,或出生后确诊胎儿患唐氏综合征或各类染色体疾病的共有14例,占1.4%。筛查结果为低风险的孕妇共2256例,通过B超或出生后诊断胎儿患先天性疾病的有8例,占0.4%。结论:对孕中期的孕妇进行唐氏筛查不仅检查出唐氏综合征胎儿,还可以筛查出患有其他染色体疾病或神经管缺陷的胎儿,对降低出生缺陷发生率具有重要的意义。“,”Objective To investigate the clinical value of Second Prenatal Trimester Screening in 3236 Cases for Down’s Syndrome. Methods Applicate time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay on 3236 cases of second trimester (14-20+6weeks) women with three targets labeled testing of serum markers AFP, uE3and Free-β-HCG.Calculate the risk of Down’s Syndrome risk by using software.For these pregnant women who is with high risk of Down’s syndrome, use Amniocentesis and B scan to find fetal karyotype .Results There are 980 pragnant women with abnormal individual value or high risk of Down’s syndrome.Make the diagnosis by B-ultrasound ,amniocentesis,and examinating the newbirth baby ,there are 14 (1.4%) fetus and fetalor postnatal diagnosis of Down syndrome and Chromosomal disease .There are 2256 pragnant women with low risk of Down’s syndrome.And among which,there are 8(0.4%) fetalor postnatal diagnosis of congenital disease.Conclusion The value of Second Prenatal Trimester Screening for screening Chromosomal disease and reducing birth defects in children born is significant.