
来源 :浙江肿瘤通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:reza777
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在我国大肠癌的死亡率占恶性肿瘤的第2位到第8位,血吸虫病流行区发病率较高,发病年龄较轻。苏州地区是血吸虫病流行区,也是大肠癌发病率较高的地区。为了了解本地区青年人大肠癌的发病情况及其特点,我们对30岁以下的大肠癌作初步的观察,报导如下: 材料及方法苏医附一院病理科1959~1979外检资料中有大肠癌1806例,其中30岁以下青年大肠癌184例,我们对此184例大肠癌进行临床病史,手术记录、手术标本及切片复习,将其分为两组、单纯大肠癌116例,大肠癌合并血吸虫病68例,进行对比观察。 In China, the mortality of colorectal cancer accounts for 2nd to 8th of malignant tumors. The incidence of schistosomiasis is high in the epidemic area and the age of onset is lighter. The Suzhou area is an endemic area of ​​schistosomiasis, and is also a region with a high incidence of colorectal cancer. In order to understand the incidence and characteristics of colorectal cancer in young people in our region, we conducted preliminary observations on colorectal cancer below the age of 30 and reported as follows: Materials and Methods Sutong Youyi Institute of Pathology 1959-1979 External Exam Materials with Large Intestine There were 1806 cases of cancer, of which 184 were colorectal cancers below the age of 30. We carried out a clinical history of 184 cases of colorectal cancer, surgical records, surgical specimens, and slice review. We divided them into two groups, 116 cases of colorectal cancer, and colorectal cancer 68 cases of schistosomiasis were compared and observed.
1An old lady went shop last Wednesday. She came to a bank and saw a car near the door. The man got out and went into the bank. She saw into the car. The keys we
白血病患者的骨髓细胞染色体分析,由于有丝分裂相数量不多,染色体分散不佳和形态模糊等原因,应用于临床诊断殊感困难。 1976年Yunis报道用氨甲喋呤(MTX)使细胞同步化进行淋
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