Johan August Strindberg,1849-1912也是世界现代戏剧之父他出生于斯德哥尔摩的一个破产商人家庭,在大学时期就踏上了戏剧创作之路,他支持巴黎公社,对上层社会和社会机构的黑暗面予以无情批判,深受工人阶层的喜爱,素有“人民的斯特林堡”之称。至十九世纪末他的文学作品已令瑞典的小说、戏剧、诗歌、散文脱胎换骨。由于童年丧母,与继母相处不洽,斯特林堡对女性怀有一种病态的怀疑与敌视,三次不幸的婚姻也极大地影响了他的生活和创作,
Johan August Strindberg, 1849-1912 Father of modern world drama He was born in Stockholm as a bankrupt merchant family and began his studies in theater during his college years in support of the Paris Commune and the dark side of the upper social and social institutions Critically cruel, by the working class favorite, known as the “people of Strindberg ” said. By the end of the nineteenth century, his literary works had made Swedish novels, dramas, poems and prose reborn. As a result of childhood’s loss of motherhood and getting along with stepmother, Strindberg cherishes a sick doubts and hostility to women. The three unfortunate marriages have also greatly affected his life and creation.