前臂外侧皮神经替代桡神经浅支,此类变异罕见。笔者在制做标本时,发现右侧桡神经浅支缺如,该神经所分布的区域被肌皮神经的前臂外侧皮神经所代替。现报道如下:男性,约75岁,身长155cm,双上肢对称等长,左侧臂丛各分支走行正常,右侧肌皮神经的各图1 前臂外侧皮神经替代桡神经浅支
Forearm lateral cutaneous nerve replacement superficial branch of radial nerve, such variations rare. When making the specimen, the author found that the right superficial branch of the radial nerve is missing, and the area where the nerve is distributed is replaced by the lateral nerve of the lateral forearm in the musculocutaneous nerve. Are reported as follows: Male, about 75 years old, length 155cm, equal symmetry of both upper extremities, the left brachial plexus normal walking, right musculocutaneous nerve Figure 1 forearm lateral cutaneous nerve replacement superficial branch of radial nerve