
来源 :教育研究与实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seaw2008
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近年来,如何构建第三方评价机制以创新学前教育质量评价体系已成为学前教育开发与研究的一个热点问题。本文通过剖析感知价值理论及研究进展,构建作为学前教育利益主体之一的幼儿家长感知保教价值的结构模型,探讨幼儿家长对保教价值的感知构成。实证研究以武汉市部分幼儿园为例,检验模型假设,尝试研制幼儿家长感知保教价值测度量表。该量表的开发有助于家长及其他社会成员参与到幼儿园评价活动中,有助于幼儿园不断建立整体价值观念,并为幼儿园管理实践提供实用测量工具,以促进学前教育内涵发展。 In recent years, how to build a third-party evaluation mechanism to innovate the pre-school education quality evaluation system has become a hot issue in the development and research of preschool education. By analyzing the theory of perceived value and its research progress, this paper constructs a structural model of preschool education perceived as one of the main interests of preschool education, and probes into the perceived composition of preschool education. Empirical studies take some kindergartens in Wuhan as an example to test the hypothesis of the model and try to develop a measure of value for parents’ perceptions of parental care. The development of this scale will help parents and other members of the society to participate in the evaluation activities of kindergartens, help kindergartens to continuously establish overall values ​​and provide practical measurement tools for kindergarten management practices in order to promote the development of preschool education.
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