《合成树脂及塑料》编辑部: 适逢《合成树脂及塑料》杂志创刊五周年之际,作为同行,谨向你们致以最热烈的祝贺! 《合成树脂及塑料》创刊时间不长,你们在人员少的情况下进行了大量卓有成效的组织工作,确定了自己的办刊方针和路线,
“Synthetic resin and plastic” editorial department: coincides with the fifth anniversary of the “synthetic resin and plastic” magazine, as a peer, would like to extend my warmest congratulations to you! “Synthetic resin and plastic” start publication time is not long, you are A large number of fruitful organizational work carried out under the condition of a small number of staff, identified its own guidelines and routes for running the magazine,