具有“5E”特点的紫外光固化技术在纸张、木材、塑料、金属等基材的涂装防护领域均有广泛应用.将其涂覆于聚氯代对二甲苯膜(PC膜)表面,提高PC膜耐冲击强度的同时,与其他材料的粘结强度也有了明显改善.针对PC膜表面紫外光固化漆(UVCC-IM-1)工艺参数,探究了不同含量溶剂乙酸乙酯对涂层固化程度的影响;并对不同烘烤温度下漆膜稀释剂的失重情况进行分析,结果表明,最佳烘烤温度为80℃,50 μm厚度漆膜烘烤6~8 min时,溶剂完全挥发,膜层得以完全固化;除此之外,同时还研究了漆膜厚度、光密度与辐照时间的关系.结果光密度为8.2 mW/cm2、厚度为30 ~ 50 μm漆膜的固化时间为3.1~5.4 s.“,”UV curing technology is widely used in the surface of paper,wood,plastic,metal and other substrates due to its characteristics of “5E”.The UV curing coating can both increase the impact strength of Parylene C film and the bond strength with other materials when coated onto the surface of PC membrane.The influence of ethyl acetate concentrations in the coating formulation on the curing effect is investigated.The weight loss of the film is also studied.The result shows that the film can be completely solidified when the baking temperature is 80℃ and the baking time is 6-8 minutes for 50 μm thickness of UV coating.In addition,the relationship of film thickness or optical density with irradiation time is also investigated.It is found that for the coatings with optical density of 8.2 mW/cm2 and the thickness of 30-50 μm,the curing time of the film is 3.1-5.4 s.