Learn To Forgive

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  We build up negative issues in our past and need to clear the clutter out in order to grow. I call this clearing process “Forgiveness”. In the Bible, Jesus said, “Forgive not seven times, but seventy times seven.” Why? Because forgiveness is our ability to remove negative thoughts so our energy may be spent on doing what we came here for. We cannot move forward in our future if past issues cloud our thinking. We can think of our life as a room. The more past issues or negative thoughts, the more dust, cobwebs, and other pests (mice, etc.), which clog up our thinking and our ability to manifest. When we forgive, it is as if we took a broom, vacuum cleaner and a dumpster and got rid of the old clutter that blocks us from creating the life we really want.
  How do we forgive others? My personal choice is through prayer and meditation. Through visualizing the issue or past event which clutters our thinking we may then send love and prayer to that situation and let them go... just let them go and send them on their way with love. It only takes some practice. Not only must we forgive others, but forgiveness in our own mind regarding our impression of others and how they might judge us is also important. I believe forgiving our own self is equally important in the forgiveness process. Marcus Porcious Cato said, “I can pardon everyone’s mistakes but my own.” This is too true for most of us. Yet, we must release our mistakes too in order to move forward clearly. In forgiving others and forgiving our own self we can truly be free and clear to build the life we want. We can take the “unusual” path and become truly unusual people.
  clutter n. 杂七杂八的东西
  cobweb n. 蜘蛛网
  pest n. 害虫
  clog up v. 堵塞,阻滞
  meditation n. 冥想,沉思
  (Have you learned how to forgive others or yourself?)洛 伊 改编
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