长期以来 ,运动医学领域主要从气体交换的间接参数中获得活动肌的氧含量变化 ,但在过去近二十年里 ,无创技术的引入使运动医学中人体肌肉能量代谢研究有了新的发展 ,其中近红外光谱测定术 (near -infraredspectroscopy ,NIRS)的发展使直接测量局部骨骼肌oxy -Hb/Mb(氧合血红蛋
For a long time, the field of sports medicine mainly obtained the change of oxygen content of active muscle from the indirect parameters of gas exchange. However, in the past two decades, the introduction of noninvasive technique has made the human muscle energy metabolism research in sports medicine have a new development. Among them, the development of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) enables direct measurement of local skeletal muscle oxy-Hb / Mb (oxyhemoglobin