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《红楼梦》是我国古典长篇小说的巅峰之作,曹雪芹在小说中写了许多小物件,亦可称为“主题物”。他充分发挥了“主题物”的美学作用,即烘托气氛,结构情节,反映人物的性格、命运等等。可以说曹雪芹把“主题物”的作用发挥得淋漓尽致,而又贴切自然,这显示出了一个伟大作家的艺术修养和广博知识。 “Dream of Red Mansions” is the pinnacle of classical novels in our country. Cao Xueqin wrote a lot of small objects in the novel, which can also be called “subject matter”. He gave full play to the aesthetic role of “subject matter ”, that is, heighten the atmosphere, the structure of the plot, reflecting the character’s character, fate and so on. It can be said that Cao Xueqin to “theme of” the role of the most vividly, but aptly natural, which shows the artistic accomplishment of a great writer and extensive knowledge.
风能是世界上发展最快的能源,目前装机容量已达到5万兆瓦,大约相当于50个核电站。但这种无污染能源的利用也面临不少问题:比如它会产生噪音,旋转的叶轮机会干扰电视信号接收,而在没有风的时候,这些风车就显得大煞风景了;又由于风力不够稳定,据统计,风车的发电效率很少能高于三成(实际发电量与风车全速转动发电量之比),而如果风刮得过大。像台风和龙卷风,结果就更惨了,风车往往会过早“夭折”。  影响风车发电的最