在空气流量1.2 kg/s 左右的地面连管试验台上, 进行了模拟飞行Ma= 4, 5, 6的三个气流总温状态的碳氢燃料(煤油) 超燃试验。试验用双燃烧室方案, 由突扩型亚燃燃烧室燃烧产生的高温可燃气以马赫数1.25喷入超燃室, 超燃室空气流马赫数为2.15 (或2.13)。不同空气流总温状态下燃料当量比对亚燃燃烧室和超燃燃烧室的试验结果表明, 双燃烧室方案实施煤油的超声速燃烧是可行的。若进一步采取混合增强和合理控制油量分配等措施, 则可提高双燃燃烧室超燃效率。
At a ground-connected test bed with an air flow rate of about 1.2 kg / s, a hydrocarbon fuel (kerosene) flare test was carried out to simulate the total temperature of three airflows Ma = 4, 5, 6. Experimental dual-combustor scheme, high-temperature combustible gas produced by the combustion of a blown-out subcombustion combustor is injected at a Mach number of 1.25 into the super-chamber, with a Mach-number of 2.15 (or 2.13) . The test results of the fuel equivalence ratio at different temperature and temperature on the sub-combustion chamber and the super-combustion chamber show that it is feasible to implement the supersonic combustion of the kerosene in the dual-chamber scheme. If we further take measures to increase mixing and rational control of oil distribution, etc., can improve the dual-combustion chamber combustion efficiency.