今年刚刚上任的国家体育总局田径管理中心主任谢亚龙语出惊人:如果明年九运会再像1998年八运会那样,有十几项成绩超过当年世界最好成绩,那将是中国田径的一大悲哀,表明下一个奥运周期的中国田径又完了。 作为主管田径项目的最高领导,谢亚龙将其领导下的项目取得佳绩称为“悲哀”,似乎让人难以理解。 但谢还有一番话作为注脚:如果把八运会的成绩拿到悉尼奥运会,中国田径的成绩可称为“辉煌”。但在悉尼为何表现不出来?兴奋剂在作怪。 全运会像条龙,奥运会像条虫,中国
Xie Yalong, director of the Track and Field Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China, who took office this year, made a surprising remark: If next year’s 9th National Games and then the 8th National Games in 1998, there will be more than a dozen achievements that exceed the best in the world that year, Sad, that the Chinese Olympic track and field the next Olympic cycle is over. As the top leader in charge of track and field events, Xie Yalong called the project under his leadership “sad” and it seems hard to understand. But Xie also remarks as a footnote: If the results of the Eighth National Games get the Sydney Olympic Games, the track record in China can be called “brilliant.” But why not show up in Sydney? Stimulants at play. Dragon Ball Games, the Olympic Games like a worm, China