荞麦耐瘠薄、耐干旱,适应性很强,在坡岗地、沙土地皆宜种植,既是填闲作物,又是抗灾作物,亦为新开荒地的先锋作物,对充分利用土地,提高复种指数,救灾备荒作用颇大。生产实践证明,要实现荞麦高产,一定做到播好种、管好田、及时收三道关。 1 播好种:首先灭茬耕耙,精细整地,消灭杂草,保持土壤适宜墒情,创造一个
Buckwheat is barren, drought-resistant and highly adaptable. It is suitable for planting on sloping land and sandy land. It is both a landfill and a disaster-resistant crop. It is also a pioneer crop of new wasteland. It is necessary to make full use of land, Disaster preparedness quite a role. Production practice has proved that to achieve high yield buckwheat, we must do a good broadcast sowing, good field control, and promptly closed three times. 1 broadcast good species: first stubble harrow, fine preparation, eliminate weeds, to maintain soil moisture suitable for creating a