几载寒窗苦读,一朝展翅翱翔。毕业班的莘莘学子们马上就要走上工作岗位了。要在竞争激烈的社会上站住脚,必须学会-- 给自己不断充电 信息社会以10倍速发展,知识更新非常之快。今天在学校里所学的专业知识步入社会后可能就已经落后了。因此,走上工作岗位后要给自己不断?
A few hardwinners studying, once soaring wings. Graduate students are about to embark on a job immediately. To stand firm in a highly competitive society, we must learn to keep ourselves informed. The information society is developing at 10X speed and knowledge is updated very fast. The expertise learned in school today may have lagged behind. So, go to work to give yourself constantly?