去年9月26日是北京电力建设公司退休职工贾德宝、白素云的金婚纪念日,眼下这老两口正忙着“出书”呢!这本书记录了一个普通家庭的坎坷磨难、艰辛清贫、幸福欢乐。他们打算把自己的一生所见所闻制作成20本“书”送给亲朋好友。这本书的特别之处是由作者全手稿装订而成,里边是这对金婚夫妇风雨同舟50年剪辑的60个人生故事。 初冬的北京,天气中涌动着丝丝寒意,这是一个再平常不过
September 26 last year, the Beijing Electric Power Construction Company retired employee Judith, Bai Suyun’s golden wedding anniversary, now the couple are busy “book” it! This book records the frustrations of an ordinary family hardships, hardships and poverty, happiness and joy . They intend to make what they have seen and heard in their life into 20 “books” for friends and relatives. The book’s special features are bound by the manuscript of the author, which is a 60-year-old story of a 50-year clip of a golden wedding couple. In the early winter of Beijing, the weather surges in the slightest chill, which is no longer the case