Chet Burchett promoted to Reed Exhibitions CEO

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  Reed Exhibitions?has appointed Chet Burchett as chief executive officer, effective January 2015.
  Burchett, regional president of the Americas joined Reed Exhibitions in early 2004 from Burson-Marsteller, a leading global public relations agency.
  Currently based in USA, he will relocate to the UK in 2015 and will report to Mike Rusbridge who will continue in the role as executive chairman.
  After more than 20 years as chairman and CEO of Reed Exhibitions, Rusbridge said of the division of the roles: “Reed Exhibitions has an exciting future ahead with strong growth expected and a clear plan of what will be required to realise our goals over the coming years. I believe, as both chairman and chief executive officer, now is the right time to separate these two roles to ensure we remain focused on our strategic direction while executing well on the objectives we set ourselves each year.”
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