患者男,45岁,因“头痛、头晕1周,加重伴呕吐1 d”于2010年1月6日入院,有糖尿病病史3年,现注射胰岛素及口服二甲双胍治疗。入院查体血压212/120mmHg,皮肤细腻,无胡须,腋毛稀疏,乳晕色淡,精液常规检查两次均未能取出标本,B超示双侧睾丸体积偏小,睾酮低于正常男性,促性腺激素均高于正常男性,染色体核型检查为47XXY,诊断为先天性睾丸发育不全综合征(Klinefelter综合征)合并T2DM、高血压。
Male patient, aged 45, was admitted to hospital on January 6, 2010 due to a headache, dizziness for 1 week and aggravating with vomiting. He has a history of diabetes mellitus of 3 years and is now receiving insulin and oral metformin. Admission examination blood pressure 212 / 120mmHg, delicate skin, beardless, sparse armpit hair, areola pale, routine examination of semen twice failed to remove the specimen, B-test shows the volume of bilateral testis is small, testosterone is lower than normal male, gonadal Hormone were higher than normal men, chromosome karyotype examination was 47XXY, diagnosis of congenital testicular hypoplasia syndrome (Klinefelter syndrome) with T2DM, hypertension.