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侦查监督科是检察机关重要的一个业务部门,基层检察院的侦查监督部门具有多种职能:它承担着由本院管辖的刑事犯罪案件的审查批准逮捕及立案监督和侦查活动监督工作;负责办理上级检察院交办的刑事犯罪案件的审查批准逮捕工作;对于受理的案件,在审查中发现有应当逮捕而未及报捕的,应当提出追捕意见,或者直接作出逮捕决定;在审理案件中及时介入侦查活动,参加侦查机关重大案件的讨论;审查办理侦查机关报请延长侦查羁押期限和捕后因超期羁押而提出释放或变更强制措施的手续;围绕侦查监督工作,组织开展调查研究活动;研究制定本院的侦查监督工作计划、措施办法等。 The investigation and supervision department is an important business unit of procuratorial organs. The department of investigation and supervision of grass-roots procuratorates has various functions: it undertakes the examination and approval of arrests, case filing supervision and investigation activities under the jurisdiction of criminal courts under the jurisdiction of the court; The procuratorate shall examine and approve the arrest of criminal cases handled by the procuratorate; if the case is found to have been apprehended but should not be reported for arrest, the arresting opinion shall be submitted or the arrest decision shall be made directly; and the investigation activities shall be promptly involved in the trial of the case , To participate in the investigation of major cases in the investigation organ; to examine and handle procedures for investigating organs to report for prolongation of the period of detention for investigation and post-arrest detention or release of coercive measures due to prolonged detention; to organize investigation and research activities based on investigation and supervision; to study and formulate Investigate and supervise the work plan, measures and so on.
【正】 莎士比亚的人道主义思想虽然渗透在他的全部创作里,但是在不同的历史时期里有不同的表现。公元一六○○年以前,莎士比亚生活在伊丽莎白女王时代。新兴资产阶纽的乐观
为研究Bta-mi R-142-3P对奶牛乳腺上皮细胞泌乳功能的调节作用,采用脂质体转染技术改变Bta-mi R-142-3P在奶牛乳腺上皮细胞中的表达量,甘油三酯酶法测定试剂盒、Lacto-se/D-G
目的 检测普通级和清洁级SD大鼠血清总胆固醇 (TC)和甘油三酯 (TG)值。方法 TC测定采用酶法 (终点法 CHO PAPMethod) ,TG采用酶法 (终点法 GPO PAPMethod)。结果  (1)普