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  Oil rich Gulf countries face problems to provide safe drinking water to its masses中东地区的富油国家正在努力为其居民提供安全饮用水。由于人口增长,该地区的农业、工业和生活用水供应量一直在增加,而由于干旱和水库蒸发,世界上原本最缺水地区的水供应量呈逐渐减少趋势。尽管海湾地区在工业发展方面成绩斐然,但用水问题正日益严峻,并给政府带来挑战。地下水位不断下降和盐渍化使该地区情况颇为紧急。这些国家为富油国,拥有大量的石油美元。该地区的政府竭尽全力提供水源满足上述所需,但这些努力代价沉重,远非目前所取得的成绩相抵。政府在海岸设立水源脱盐项目。这些设施耗费了大量的能源,主要是石油供应,因为石油是该海湾地区最大也是最廉价的能源,而这也使该地区的碳足迹增加,导致了全球变暖问题。后来,大量的石油能源消耗在用管道或水罐将水源从工厂输送到人口聚集区这一过程中。由于对安全饮用水和卫生设备的需求增大,人口大规模涌入城市,以及印度、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡、孟加拉国、马来西亚、印尼、菲律宾等南亚和东南亚国家人口的迁入也加剧了用水压力。Oil rich gulf countries in Middle East are struggling to provide safe drinking water to its masses. Water supplies for agriculture, industrial and domestic use have increased over the time due to increase in population in the region but water supplies have gradually decreased due to droughts and evaporations of the water reservoirs in already one of the most water poor regions of the world. While gulf has made tremendous achievements in development sector but water question is getting big with every passing day and proving a challenge to governments. Falling water tables and salinization of underground water tables has left the region in critical situation.These countries are oil rich and have loads of wealth in petro-dollars and governments of the region have tried their best to provide water for above mentioned uses but cost of such efforts is huge and far more than what has been achieved so far. Governments have set up water desalinization projects on sea shores. Such plants consume a lot of energy which basically comes from oil supplies as oil is one the biggest and cheapest energy source in gulf region which increases carbon footprint of the region and induces global warming. Afterwards huge amounts of energy, again produced by oil, are consumed on transporting the water from these plants back to population either by pipelines or water tanks. Migration by huge chunks of population to cities and migrant workers arriving from South and Southeast Asian nations like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Philippines have increased the pressure on use of water resources because of increase in demand for safe drinking water and sanitation purposes.(Source: mindsofscience.com)
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Polar bear adapts to climate change by altering its diet patterns, study suggests北极熊是北极的最高级食肉动物,也是世界上最大的四足食肉动物。与其他熊类不同,它们是海洋哺乳动物,已适应了在地球上最极端的环境——北冰洋,繁衍生息。北极熊是现今存在的六个熊类中最新的一种,它们起源于15万年前,当时西伯利亚和阿拉斯加州的灰熊
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New study maps coastal costs of China’s GDP growth中美生物保护学家组进行的一项新研究对中国近来的经济增长对沿海生态系统产生的后果进行了量化。不管怎么说,从1978年开始,中国有能力成功并且大规模地创造经济价值,但是经济上的提升也加速了其沿海活跃的生态系统的恶化。《科学报告》杂志上发布了对经济增长、人类活动及影响和环境质量数据的分析。分析表明,自19
US National Hockey League vows to minimize its climate footprint for the first time冰球是美国最有名的一项体育运动。国家冰球联盟(NHL)是该国经济实力最雄厚的体育实体之一。2014年7月,NHL首次公布其计划,尽可能减少对气候变化的足迹。2014年7月7日,NHL就该联盟的环境影响和计划如何减少环境影响发布了一项综
BBC sends staff on training for reporting climate change and decides to stop inviting skeptics前不久,英国广播公司(BBC)被指责向观众提供错误气候变化信息误导大众。BBC现已决定考虑纳入更科学因素,并开始对预报人员进行培训确保提供准确的气候变化信息。为保持报道稳妥,它决定不邀请怀疑论者,正如一名BBC高
Climate change hastens extinction of sea otters and disturbs near-shore ecosystems worldwide捕食者在维持多样而稳定的生态系统中发挥着重要作用。气候变化可能导致物种为选择气候适宜的栖息地而迁移,改变其生存地点和互动方式,从而从根本上改变当前的生态系统。今年在加州萨克拉门托召开的第99届美国生态协会年会期间,8
2014 is busy year for climate stories in US, previously known as country downplaying it此前,美国一直在气候变化的影响问题上轻描淡写,常以客观报道为名,虚掷气候怀疑论观点,使普通民众疑虑重重,以至名声遭唾。但是现在这一情况正在改变,2014年将忙于气候变化相关的“正面”报道,以及在规定的播出时间上做文章。3月份,