诗情画意 虚实相生 评新编秦腔历史剧《白居易》

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新编秦腔历史剧《白居易》以安史之乱后藩镇割据、军阀混战、宦官专权、民不聊生为历史背景,以白居易宦海沉浮人生命运为主线,以白居易与民女湘灵的爱情为副线,将主人公与朝廷邪恶势力的矛盾冲突和其爱情副线紧密交融,真实地反映了这位伟大的诗人的理想、追求、婚姻爱情和人生命运;表现了他“穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下”的处世原则,歌颂了他为民请愿、针砭时弊、刚正不阿、直言进谏的伟大品格以及中华民族仁义礼智信的优良传统;揭露了封建社会专制下知识分子及广大劳苦大众的悲剧命运。 The historical drama “Baijuyi” of the Qin Dynasty was mainly based on the historical background of the separatist forces, the warlord fierce battle, the eunuch’s power of authority and the people’s misbehavior after the An-shih chaos. Taking the life and fortune of Bai Juyi’s official career as the main line, The contradictions and conflicts between the evil forces and their love line are closely intermingled, which truly reflects the ideal, pursuit, love and life of the great poet, and his “poorer than the poor ”. The principle of going to life, praising his petitions for the people, criticizing the current situation and conscientiousness, upholding the great character of impartiality and remonstrance, and the fine traditions of righteousness, good faith and righteousness in the Chinese nation revealed the tragic fate of the intellectuals and the masses of working-hard people under feudal social dictatorship.