所述异型铸件是指铸件长度与宽度之比大于8的特别细长铸件。负压槽体原为钢板组焊件,为了提高工况要求改为铸件。此类铸件采用传统工艺有一定的局限性,采用干砂负压消失模铸造先后解决了变形、塌箱、冷隔浇不足等问题,取得了良好的效果。本文结合负压槽体(5 m×0.4 m×0.7 m)的生产,总结了干砂负压消失模铸造工艺的过程。
The profiled castings refer to particularly slender castings in which the cast length to width ratio is greater than eight. Negative pressure tank was originally a group of welding plate, in order to improve the conditions required to castings. Such castings using the traditional process has some limitations, the use of dry sand vacuum lost foam casting has solved the deformation, the collapse of the box, the lack of cold and other issues, and achieved good results. Combined with the production of negative pressure tank (5 m × 0.4 m × 0.7 m), this paper summarizes the process of lost foam casting process of dry sand vacuum.