Analyzing Cultural Differences in The Karata Kid From the Perspective of Cultural Dimensions

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  Abstract:The G20 conference,the Belt and Road initiative and other international cooperation projects are accelerating globalization.Intercultural communications reflect in every aspects of our lives,even in films,The Karata Kid.In this paper,I will analyze intercultural communication of this film from the perspective of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.
  Keywords:Intercultural communication;movies
  Firstly,I will begin with the plot of the film:Twelve-year-old Dre Parker and his mother Sherry move from Detroit to Beijing after Sherry gets a job transfer at her car factory.That’s where the story begins.Hofstede is a Dutch interculturalist.His two work,Culture’s Consequences and Cultural Organization,have made a deep impression on intercultural communication.He came up with four cultural dimensions:Individualism vs.Collectivism,Power distance,Uncertainty avoidance,Masculinity vs.Femininity and Long-term vs.Short-term orientation.Only first two are reflected in this film,so I will introduce them only.Individualism vs.Collectivism concerns the extent to which people feel they are supposed to take care of or to be cared for by themselves,their families or organizations they belong to.Power distance refers the attitudes toward differences in authority or the degree of inequality among people which the the population of a country considers as normal.Cultures with high power distance accept the fact that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally.In culture with low power distance,the situation is completely different.
  With regard to the power distance index and individualism vs.Collectivism,we know that China is a country with high PDI and low IDV,while America is a totally another story.
  Scene 1:Meiying,Dre’s Chinese friend,is ordered to practice violin every day by her father.She is late for an important audition,but she has a success.After her father knows why Meiying late,he stop Meiying being friends with Dre.Meiying follows her father’s order and stops meeting Dre again.
  Scene 2:The first thing Mr.Han teaches Dre is practicing the following actions repeatly:hang it on! Take it down!(here “it” refers to Dre’s jacket)Mr.Han doesn’t explain anything about it.Dre has to follow the order regardless of rain.
  Scene 3:Dre’s mother greets an American boy,“ Hi,nice to meet to you.You can call me Ms.Sherry.”
  Confucianism is regarded as an ethical moral system that governs all relationships in family and society in ancient China to some extend.It mainly focuses on five relationships:the relationship between ruler and subject,between wife and husband,between father and child,between elder and younger.From the first two scenes,the father and teacher are always superior,while the daughter and student are inferior.So in the first scene,Meiying must follow her father’s order and stop meeting Dre.Although Dre is from America with low power distance,he also has to follow Mr.Han’s order in China.The third scene reflects the low power distance of America.Facing the similar situation,a Chinese mother would say,“ Call me auntie Sherry!” Because America emphasizes equality,every body is equal.In America,people call their grandparents first names directly.In China everyone is called according to his/her age,status and title.In the movie,Chinese people call Mr.Han Lao Han or master Han,but Dre always calls him Mr.Han.Appellations between China and America reflect the power distance.At the end,Dre says to Mr.Han,“ You are the best friend I’ve ever had.”   Scene 4:The teacher reproves Meiying,“ Do you know how important it is to your family,what it means to your life? We have to wait to this weekend and I’ll call your father.”
  Scene 5:Dre ask his Mum,“Can you sign this?” “ I think it’s funny that you have to get my permission to go to the Forbidden City! I got a pool in Beijing!” “Not funny,Mum,”
  Scene 6:Dre gets injured in the tournament severely.The doctor says,“ You must stop,and you has win honor for your family.” Dre insists keeping fight.Mr.Han asks for the reason “Because I’m so scared.No matter what happened tonight when I leave,I don’t want to be scared any more!”
  According to the above,individuals must be responsible for the group and family.In the scene 4,the teacher says,“ do you know how important it is to your family?” he put family before individual.Also,in the scene 6,the doctor says,“You have win honor for your family.” While in the scene 5,Sherry is surprised that Dre needs her permission to go to the Forbidden City.Because for American,everyone is free to make decisions for themselves.In the scene 6,according to Dre’s answer,there is nothing concerned family or group.He simply wants to win respect and stops being scared in school.While for his opponents from martial art school,they must win honor for their school even though sacrifice themselves.The student is out because of his illegal behavior.In countries with collectivism,individuals sometimes must sacrifice their own interests to meet the goal of the group.
  In the movie,there are many cultural differences reflected in this movie.For example,Sherry’s honeymoon state in Beijing,Dre’s cultural shock and understanding of different languages and etc.In this paper,I only analyze the cultural differences from the perspective of two cultural dimensions.In a word,the Karate Kid is the communication and blending of different cultures.
  [1]Dou Weilin.Intercultural Business Communication(Second Edition)[M].Beijing,Higher Education Press,2011:55-58.
Abstract:as a special cosmetic and plastic art of Chinese drama,Facebook draws on the decorative techniques of folk art,and adopts the principle of bold use of color,as well as various artistic elemen
摘 要:教育生态学作为生态学理论以及方法研究教育现象和教育问题的一个重要交叉学科。伴随着教育生态学在整个教育领域当中不断获得发展,进而出现了不同学科与生态学之间的融合与发展。因此,本文以基于教育生态学视角下的中职数学课程教学研究作为重点的教育方式,将其进行融合发展,进而促进中职教学课程的发展与推进。  关键词:教育生态学;中职数学;课程教育  一、教育生态学的基本概括  1.1教育生态学的概念  
摘 要:在全面开展基础教育课程改革的形势下,我们的美术课堂教学也发生了积极显著的变化。"有效教学"这一概念,已为各学科广泛应用。就目前而言,凡是能够促进学生学习、发展,凡是能够实现预设的教学目标的教学活动,都可称之为"有效教学"。现结合本人的课堂教学实践,从如下几个方面谈谈提高美术课堂教学有效性的体会。  关键词:高中;美术;关键  美术教育是当代美学教育的重要分支,也是高中课程体系的重要组成部分
摘 要:教学内容的巧选择,是教师和学生实现共同教学目标,完成共同教学任务中不可或缺的,也是我园正在研究的“游戏化幼儿美术活动的实践研究”课题中的一个重要的研究内容,通过研究,我们大胆挖掘并巧妙地选择神秘趣味的游戏、创意想象的主题、典型的生活经验等作为教学内容,并注重内容的新颖性、生活性、情节性,使美术活动内容本身成为一种游戏,使幼儿产生好奇心,这样幼儿受好奇心的驱使在游戏化的美术教学中,陶醉在“玩
摘 要:善于提出问题是学生思维得到高速运转的有效方法之一。可以针对学习中的重难点进行提问,也可以是自己对知识迁移能力的提问。著名教育家陶行知先生说过“发明千千万,起点在一问。善于发问可以激发学生的学习兴趣,同时也是诱发学生思维向正确方向发展的重要因素。根据新课标的要求,学生能够对所学的知识提出疑问,是培养学生综合素质和学习能力的体现。因此,要求语文教师能够在教学过程中科学地培养学生的提问能力,并为
摘 要:阅读能力对一个人的发展起着至关重要的作用,人的一生最不能少的就是阅读。本文将以小学语文教学为背景,简要介绍了培养学生阅读能力的重要性及意义,分析了我国小学语文教学中学生阅读能力培养的现状,并针对提高学生阅读能力、促进小学生语文阅读教育提出几点建议。  关键词:小学语文教学;阅读能力;建议  引言:近年来人类知识总量在不断增加,这些知识一般都是用书面形式保存下来,为了更好的让后代传承现代知识
摘 要:陶行知先生说过:“真的教育是心心相映的活动,唯独从心里发出来的,才能打到心的深处。”这句话其实就是指出了离开了情感,一切教育都无从谈起。对于涉世未深,心理单纯的如同一张白纸,且崇师心理处于高峰期的小学生来说,启蒙教师因而其语言、内容、教育的效果天然的合理性与可接受性,对于小学生后期的发展和学习有着极其重要的影响和作用,所以,一名好的启蒙老师,爱心、耐心和细心是必须具备的。  关键词:爱心;
摘 要:商务英语是一门实用性很强的学科,旨在培养学生在商务活动中必须具备的英语交流技能,具有较强的国际性。在全球化进程中,我国的对外交流活动与日俱增,与其他国家的商务合作也越来越多,对商务英语人才的需求量也随之增大。然而,在实际的教学中,教师往往重理论轻应用,忽视了商务文化在商务英语中的重要性,造成学生对知识的掌握出现偏差。本文就商务英语教学中商务文化意识的渗透和培养展开探讨。  关键词:商务英语
摘 要:数码钢琴在当下时代逐渐进入到高校音乐课上,数码钢琴目前多数是以集体课的方式存在的,这种授课的形式有着诸多的优势,同时也是有着一定的弊端,一直以来这门课程在高校中都是受到争议的,参与学习的学生逐渐增多,诸多学生也是在这方面提出更多的要求。文章对该课程的优劣势展开分析,并在教学方面提出几点建议,希望对数码钢琴未来的教学改进有所参照。  关键词:高校音乐;数码钢琴集体课;教学思考  前言:数码钢
摘 要:语文的新课程特别强调要在语文的课堂教學中重视对学生人文意识的培养,明确地指出“语文课程应培养学生们热爱语文的思想感情”,“重视提高学生的品德修养及审美情趣,使他们逐渐形成优良的个性和健全的人格,促进德、智、体、美的全面发展”。那么怎样的课堂教学结构才能构建这样的学习氛围呢?我根据自己的教学经验谈一些看法。  关键词:小学语文;课堂气氛;措施  语文课堂教学氛围充满活力,学生能有趣而深入的学