共有效成分是乙基基酸乙酯(bis ethyl xon-thogen)C_2H_5-O-(S)·SC_2H_5,主要用于洋葱栽培的事前与事后除莠,美国农业部批准它可以用于此项目的,是因为经过用放射性示踪技术检验,它在洋葱上不留余毒。对其他作物,如胡淑、薯类、玉米、大豆、field beans、菠菜(spinach)都是如此,但仅有对洋葱所作检验是足够精确到带保证性的,对其他还待进一步仔细检验。商品是浓厚乳液,每加仑含有效成分5磅,用水冲稀后即可使用。事前除莠,每英亩用2加仑,稀释
The active ingredient is bis ethyl xon-thogen C_2H_5-O- (S) · SC_2H_5, which is mainly used for the pre-and post-herbicidal activity of onion cultivation. USDA approved it for this project , Because after the use of radioactive tracer technology test, it does not leave any onions onions. This is true for other crops such as shuhu, yam, corn, soybeans, field beans and spinach, but the test on the onion is accurate enough to be warranted and for others to be further scrutinized. The product is a thick lotion containing 5 pounds of active ingredient per gallon, diluted with water and ready for use. Pre-herbicid, diluted with 2 gallons per acre