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在即将来临的21世纪,世界自然科学技术预计会有更大的发展。20世纪末在科学技术上所取得的成果,包括20世纪提出而尚未解决的课题,将是新世纪更高发展的坚实基础。即将过去的20世纪和正在来临的21世纪,都是世界历史文明特别迅速发展的时期。不同时期文明发展的 In the forthcoming 21st century, the natural science and technology of the world is expected to have greater development. The achievements made in science and technology at the end of the 20th century, including the issues that have yet to be resolved in the 20th century, will be the solid foundation for higher development in the new century. The upcoming twentieth century and the advent of the 21st century are all periods in which the historical civilization of the world has been particularly and rapidly developing. Civilization in different periods of development
记得去年夏天,晚饭后,在附近的一个广场散步,遇见了一位穿黑长裙的女子,走近她的时候,一股清凉的香随夜风飘来,那香带有淡淡的中草药味,闻起来清凉入心,一时竟跟在她后面走了很长时间,心里在想,这真是一位美丽的女子。  文字也是有香气的,一些文字散发着淡香,那些明清小品文就是。  “雾凇沆砀,天与云与山与水,上下一白。湖上影子,惟长堤一痕、湖心亭一点、与余舟一芥、舟中人两三粒而已。”读张岱的《陶庵梦忆》