Cause of urinary retention many causes, but because of the hymen atresia menstrual cramps vaginal hemorrhage caused by rare, now our hospital encountered a case report is as follows: Female patients, 16 years old, unmarried, due to recurrent dysuria for four months at December 16, 1985. Patient since July every 20 to 40 days dysuria resulting in urinary retention, in order to relieve the symptoms of each attack in the local hospital repeatedly catheterization, anti-inflammatory treatment of more than ten days after the onset of symptoms Gradually ease, self-urination .Due to three days before admission because of dysuria to our hospital emergency .After onset of patients without back pain, abdominal pain, chills and fever and urinary tract irritation and other symptoms, menstrual cramps .Check: generally good, cardiorespiratory A), bladder filling to the umbilical 2 refers to the urethral orifice no foreign body and polyps to acute urinary retention admission.