抗日战争时期 ,中国共产党在澳门进行了组织活动和统战工作。澳门同胞义卖义买 ,捐输抗战 ;组织慰问队、医疗队回国服务 ;赈济难民难童 ,为难民捐款捐物 ,为难童创办学校等 ;有些青年回到祖国大陆参军参战 ,有不少人为国捐躯。本文论述了澳门同胞在中共领导下 ,从各方面全力支持祖国抗战的史事。
During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Chinese Communist Party conducted its organizational activities and united front work in Macao. Macao compatriots righteousness to buy, donate the war of resistance; organization of the consolation team, the medical team to return home services; relief refugee children, donations for refugees, schools for children in need; some youth returned to the motherland to join the army, a lot of people die for the country . This article discusses the history of the Macao compatriots, who, under the leadership of the CPC, fully support each other’s war of resistance from the motherland.