[情景案例] 董林,今年28岁,已婚,在一家报社做编辑,月薪约4000元人民币, 妻子小孙在一事业单位工作,夫妻俩每月的工资将近6000元人民币,比较稳定。夫妻俩的工资部直接打到银行卡里了,谁用钱就直接到银行去取。结果一年下来,董林发现存折里的钞票竟然所剩无几,看看屋子里又没有增加什么大件贵重物品,夫妻俩都疑惑钱到底花哪去了? 夫妻俩2005年5月买了一套两室一厅的房子,每月固定要向银行交 1100元的房贷款。董林每天乘公交车上班,月固定消费50元,午餐每顿一
[Case Study] Dong Lin, 28 years old, married and editor in a newspaper at a monthly salary of about 4,000 yuan, his wife Xiaosun working in a public institution, the couple monthly salary of nearly 6,000 yuan, more stable. The couple’s wage department directly hit the bank card, and who will go directly to the bank to take money. The results a year later, Dong Lin found that the banknotes in the passbook even less left to see if there is no room to increase what large and expensive valuables, the couple doubts the money spent in the end? The couple bought in May 2005 a Set of two rooms a hall of the house, monthly fixed to pay 1100 yuan bank loans. Dong Lin bus every day to work, the monthly fixed consumption of 50 yuan, lunch one for each meal