重实效 促思维——浅谈小学数学学习评价策略

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小学数学学习评价主要目的是全面了解学生数学学习历程,激励学生学习;为学生解惑释疑,点拨导向,让学生的学习更具活力。《数学课程标准》指出:“评价应以促进学生的发展为目标,既要关注学生知识与技能的理解和掌握,更要关注他们情感与态度的形成和发展;既要关注学生学习数学的结果与成效,更要关注他们学习过程中的变化和发展。”因此,科学的评价能调动学生学习的积极性,增强学生自信心,使学生处于兴奋、主动、积极的状态,充分发挥学生的潜能。学生学习过程的评价成功与否,直接影响学生数学思维的发展。 The main purpose of primary school mathematics learning evaluation is to fully understand the process of students’ mathematics learning, to motivate students to learn; to solve doubts and mislead the students and guide the students to learn more energetically. The standard of mathematics curriculum states: “The evaluation should aim at promoting the development of students. It should not only pay attention to the understanding and mastery of students ’knowledge and skills, but also pay attention to the formation and development of their emotions and attitudes. It is necessary to pay attention to the students’ Results and effectiveness, but also pay attention to their changes and developments in the learning process. ”Therefore, the scientific evaluation can arouse the enthusiasm of students to learn and enhance students’ self-confidence, so that students are excited, proactive and positive, give full play to the students Potential. The success or failure of the evaluation process of student learning directly affects the development of students’ mathematical thinking.