赵××,男45岁,县食品公司电工。于1990年6月10日9时20分,在修理猪圈时,被马蜂螫伤右手拇指。当时局部出现红肿灼疼,继而全身皮肤疼痒,伴有头晕,软弱,恶心呕吐,视力模糊。笔者与患者一墙之隔,随时赶到现场,患者已经出现神志不清;面色苍白,脉搏细弱。立即在9时30分抬入急救室。体查:T37.3℃,P 每分36次,R 每分9次,BP2.7/OkPa,张口呼吸,皮肤湿冷,口唇青紫,双侧眼睑高度水肿,呕吐及腹泻,喉头水肿,心率每分36次,心音低钝,律齐,肺部出现肺水肿等,进入休克状态。全身及皮肤布满了荨麻疹,高出皮肤,压之退色。血液检查:Hb120g/L,wec11×10~9/L,N0.75,L0.25。
Zhao × ×, male 45 years old, county food company electrician. At 9:20 on June 10, 1990, when the pigsty was repaired, his right thumb was hurt by a wasp and a bee. At that time, local swelling and burning pain, followed by systemic itchy skin, accompanied by dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision. The author and the patient separated by a wall, arrived at the scene at any time, the patient has appeared unconscious; pale, weak pulse. Immediately carried into the emergency room at 0930 hours. Physical examination: T37.3 ℃, P 36 points per minute, R 9 points per minute, BP2.7 / OkPa, mouth breathing, skin wet and cold, lips purple, bilateral eyelid edema, vomiting and diarrhea, laryngeal edema, heart rate 36 points, low heart sound blunt, law Qi, pulmonary edema, etc., into the shock state. Whole body and skin covered with urticaria, higher than the skin, the pressure of the fade. Blood tests: Hb120g / L, wec11 × 10 ~ 9 / L, N0.75, L0.25.