先秦文化是由多元文化构成的,北方有以中原文化为代表的黄河流域文化,南方有以楚文化为代表的长江流域文化,二者共同构成华夏文明的主要体系。 深刻总结楚文化的精髓,笔者认为至少有四种精神仍具有恒久不衰的时代价值,值得今人继承和弘扬。 一是筚路蓝缕、自强不息的进取精神。探寻楚人先辈
Pre-Qin culture is composed of a plurality of cultures, the Yellow River Basin culture represented by the Central Plains culture in the north, and the Yangtze River valley culture represented by the Chu culture in the south, which together constitute the main system of the Chinese civilization. Profoundly summarize the essence of the culture, I believe that at least four kinds of spirit still have the enduring value of the times, it is worthy of people to inherit and promote. First, blunt, self-reliance enterprising spirit. Explore Chu ancestors