伦敦——沿着购物街向下,一群年轻人,穿着松松垮垮的短裤,脚踩溜冰板,满嘴粗话,拥挤在一起,慌张地穿行在连锁快餐店之间。他们会评价一位路过的妇女,她身穿D K N Y的衣服,一手拿着时代杂志,一手挎一个小包,蹒跚地走着。一个家伙与她擦身而过,他头戴美国篮球队的帽子,边走边在他
London - Down the shopping street, a group of young people, dressed in loose shorts, skateboarding on skateboards, swearing, crowding and panicking through fast food chains. They will evaluate a passing woman dressed in D K N Y clothes, holding a time magazine in one hand, picking up a small bag in one hand and walking slyly. A guy brushed past her and he was wearing a U.S. basketball team hat while walking