
来源 :中国法治文化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiantian200510
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随着我国经济社会的快速发展和改革的不断深入,各种思考不断碰撞,各种文化不断交汇,各层次的矛盾也不断地凸显。因此,为了社会的和谐,宣传、教育的作用日趋重要,良好的警民关系也日趋重要。作为公共事业的积极参与者和文化推动者,顺应时代呼唤,警察博物馆应运而生。警察博物馆以其独特的价值和精神内涵逐渐成为警察文化的重要组成部分,它包含和展示了丰富的警察历史、警察精神和警察文化,是一部鲜活、生动、丰富、 With the rapid economic and social development in our country and the continuous deepening of the reform, all kinds of thinking have been constantly bursting, various cultures have been meeting constantly, and the contradictions at various levels have also been constantly highlighted. Therefore, for the sake of social harmony, publicity and education, the role of education is becoming more and more important, and a good relationship between the police and the people is also becoming increasingly important. As an active participant in public utilities and a cultural promoter, in response to the call of the times, the police museum came into being. Police Museum, with its unique value and spiritual connotation, has gradually become an important part of the police culture. It contains and displays rich police history, police spirit and police culture. It is a lively, vivid, rich,