司马迁倾毕生心血和精力创作的不朽巨著《史记》在中国文化史上占有极其重要的地位。它横跨经、史、子、集四部.是司马迁继周公、孔子之后对中国文化进行的一次大规模的创造性的整理和总结.是汉武帝以前中华文明的集汇。 首先,《史记》是我国的第一部纪传体通史,它记叙了上起传说中的黄帝轩辕氏,下至汉武帝太初年间三千年的历史发展轨
Sima Qian immortal masterpiece devoted all his life and energy creation << Historical Records >> in the history of Chinese culture occupies an extremely important position. It crosses the history, the son, the set of 4. It is a large-scale creative collation and conclusion made by Sima Qian, Zhou Confucius and Confucius afterwards, which is the collection of Chinese civilization before the Han Dynasty. First of all, “Records of the Shiji” is the first history of discipline and mass communication in our country. It chronicles the three thousand years of historical development from the legendary Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan to the Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty