
来源 :婚育与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:playchild
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关于表扬孩子有一个很恰当的比喻——“称赞,就像青霉素一样,绝不能随意用。使用强效药有一定的标准,需要谨慎小心,标准包括时间和剂量,因为这些可能会引起过敏反应。”夸具体不夸全部“宝宝真棒!”这样的表扬对家长来说真是轻车熟路。在家长眼里,孩子的每一个成长细节都是值得惊叹和赞美的——宝宝会笑了,宝宝会翻身了,宝宝会蹦了,宝宝说话了……就是在这种不断的惊喜中,家长已经习惯于对着孩子说出“真棒”、“真好”这样的评价,甚至一句轻轻的“啊”都充满着赞赏的语气。 There’s a good analogy for praising kids - “Praise, like penicillin, must not be used at all.” There are certain criteria for the use of potent drugs and caution is required, and standards include time and dosage, as these may cause allergies Response. “Praise do not boast all the ” baby awesome! “This recognition is very easy for parents. In the eyes of parents, the details of every child’s growth are worthy of wonder and praise - the baby will laugh, the baby will stand up, the baby will jump, the baby said ... ... It is in this constant surprise, parents Has been accustomed to say ”awesome “, ”good “ such evaluation, even a light ”ah " to the child is full of praise tone.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
温州市从1995年开始对城镇燃气输配管道进行了试监检,在1996年4月《管规》颁发后,我们对监检工作进行了小结。我们认为在图纸上主要存在以下问题: (1)设计单位分支机构较多,
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