流行性出血热是由寄生在黑线姬鼠(Apodenus agrarius)的一种螨类(Laelaps jettm-ari Vithum)为媒介昆虫而传播的流行性热病,起病急剧,高热、出血、高度蛋白尿、心力衰竭和重度肾实质损害,病死率为5~15%或以上。从1938年至第二次世界大战期间,多发生在中国东北与苏联接壤的河川潮湿地带,苏联的西伯利亚亦有发现,在朝鲜战争时,南朝鲜的美军两年内(1951~1953)有1000名以上的士兵发生本病。本病在1942年由旧日本陆军统一命名为流行性出血热。
Epidemic hemorrhagic fever is an epidemic of fever that is transmitted by a larvae of the mite (Laelaps jettm-ari Vithum) parasitized in the Apodenus agrarius as a vector-borne insect with sharp onset, fever, hemorrhage and high proteinuria , Heart failure and severe renal parenchymal damage, case fatality rate of 5 to 15% or more. From 1938 to the Second World War, it occurred in the humid zone of rivers bordering the Soviet Union in northeast China. In Siberia in the Soviet Union, it was also discovered that during the Korean War, there were 1,000 U.S. troops in South Korea (1951-1953) during the Korean War The soldiers over the disease. The disease in 1942 by the old Japanese army uniform named as epidemic hemorrhagic fever.