资料与方法 1 观察对象 健康对照组:42例均为健康查体成年人,年龄35~56岁,平均年龄45.5岁,男24例,女18例。急性脑梗塞组:来自本院急诊、住院患者36例。诊断标准:按照1986年中华医学会第二次全国脑血管病学术会议修订的标准执行,所有观察病例均做颅脑CT确诊,排除脑出血,脑肿瘤及合并心肺疾病患者,其中男25例,女10例,年龄62~76岁,平均年龄67岁。 2 标本采集 经确诊为急性脑梗塞后,在未
Materials and Methods 1 Subjects: The healthy control group: 42 cases were all healthy physical examination adults, aged 35 to 56 years, mean age 45.5 years, 24 males and 18 females. Acute cerebral infarction group: from our hospital emergency, hospitalized patients 36 cases. Diagnostic criteria: In accordance with the revised standards of the Second National Cerebrovascular Disease Academic Conference of the Chinese Medical Association in 1986, all the observed cases were diagnosed by brain CT, excluding cerebral hemorrhage, brain tumors and patients with cardiopulmonary diseases, including 25 males, 10 females, aged 62 to 76 years, mean age 67 years. 2 specimens collected after the diagnosis of acute cerebral infarction, not yet