Based on the further expansion of the downturn in the coal industry, this article explores what needs to be done and does not need to be done from the policy needs of the coal industry and how to exert the influence of the industry’s policies. The downturn in the coal market, the price decline has lasted more than three years, this is a global phenomenon. Internationally, following the financial crisis in 2008, with the continuous advancing of the quantitative easing policy of major countries such as the United States, the price of coal surged rapidly and reached its peak by the end of 2010. Since then, the rapid increase in natural gas supplies from the shale gas revolution in the United States has put tremendous pressure on gas and coal prices in North America. From the end of 2010 to the end of 2013, coal prices have fallen by 1/3, the US S & P coal industry profit index, has been significantly lower than the market