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学科的建设对于一个高校的发展来说具有十分重要的意义。学科的建设是创建一流的研究型的大学的关键所在。任何一所大学都不能够在某一学科上达到一流的水平,正因为学科的建设对于高校的发展具有十分重要的意义,作为主要为学校的教学科研所服务的文献信息资源检索中心的高校图书馆来说更要适时的对服务的内涵和方向进行调整,从而适应并且推动整个学校的发展,将图书馆的学科服务提上日程。随着网络化数字化的发展,促使读者对于信息获取的途径有了更多的选择,同时也对信息内容有了更高的标准与要求。针对读者需求与信息环境的不断变化,高校图书馆要深化服务的模式,创新服务的理念,延伸服务的领域,这就促使学科服务应运而生,高校图书馆的学科服务被认为之一种创新型的服务,是高校图书馆重塑形象和突破服务的重要手段。 The construction of disciplines is of great significance to the development of a university. Discipline building is the key to creating a first-rate, research-based university. No one university can achieve the first-class level in a certain discipline, because the discipline construction is of great significance to the development of colleges and universities. As a major source of literature and information retrieval center for the teaching and research institutes of colleges and universities, In order to adapt and promote the development of the entire school, the library should make timely adjustments to the connotation and direction of the service so as to put the disciplinary services of the library on the agenda. With the development of networked digitization, readers are encouraged to make more choices about the ways of obtaining information, and at the same time, they have higher standards and requirements for information content. In response to the changing needs of readers and the information environment, university libraries should deepen the service mode, innovate the service concept and extend the field of service, which prompts the emergence of academic service. The academic service of the university library is considered as an innovation Type of service, is an important means of reshaping the image and breaking through the service of the university library.
我科于 1997年 6月~ 1999年 2月 ,在支撑喉镜下应用鼻内窥镜和显微镜 ,对 36例声带、喉室疾病进行直视手术 ,均取得良好效果 ,现报告如下。1 一般资料本组 36例中 ,男 2 1例
本文通过分析医院预算管理的现状,从医院实施全面预算的必要性入手,提出全面预算在医院的实施框架,并对医院如何实施全面预算进行探讨。 By analyzing the current situatio